Voce Italiana is the voice of Italian America in Greater Washington DC, published since 1961. Our aim is to make the paper a platform for our entire community: A place to share the news, happenings and accomplishments of Italians and Italian Americans, locally and beyond, and to enjoy articles on Italian culture, food, wine, the arts, travel and more.
Although we are an all-volunteer staff, the paper has significant production, printing and mailing costs. We rely on subscribers and advertisers to keep operating. We currently publish 10 issues per year. The 2024 subscription rates for the hard copy are: $25 subscriber; $50 patron; $100 sponsor. The names of the “sponsor” will be published in the December 2023 issue of Voce Italiana. Make your check payable to "Voce Italiana" and mail to: Voce Italiana, 595 Third St., NW Washington DC 20001.
You can read our December 2022 issue below. To subscribe, complete the form below and submit it online.