Dedication of Scalabrini Center-- Remarks by Francesco Isgro
My name is Francesco Isgro and I am the President of the Italian American Museum of Washington DC. I am very honored to have been asked...
Dedication of Scalabrini Center-- Remarks by Francesco Isgro
Judge Giovanni Falcone Remembered in Washington DC
Join us on Sunday, October 10, as we celebrate Columbus Day!
CISC President Interviewed by Umberto Mucci's WeTheItalians Magazine
CISC President Honored by Italian Government
CISC Inc. 2020 Fall Letter to Founders and Supporters
CISC Inc. Announces Creation of the Pino Cicala Archives and Virtual collection
CISC Inc. Launches #WeAreOneCommunity Coronavirus Emergency Fund Campaign
CISC Inc. 2019 - End of the Year Letter to Founders