CISC Founders Reception at Casa Italiana
A reception to thank the "Founders" of Casa Italiana Sociocultural Center Inc. for their continued support was held this weekend (October...
CISC Founders Reception at Casa Italiana
Join us on Sunday, October 10, as we celebrate Columbus Day!
Ferragosto is just around the corner!
CISC President Interviewed by Umberto Mucci's WeTheItalians Magazine
Davide Prete 3D replica of the U.S. Capitol “Corncob” column
CISC President Honored by Italian Government
Toni-Lee Sangastiano's Olive Groves
Regina Miele's Reflections on the Potomac
CISC Inc. 2020 Fall Letter to Founders and Supporters
CISC Inc. Announces Creation of the Pino Cicala Archives and Virtual collection
CISC Inc. Launches #WeAreOneCommunity Coronavirus Emergency Fund Campaign
CISC Inc. 2018 End of the Year Letter
Trio Dante (formerly Trio Lennon) to perform at Casa Italiana on September 29, 2018 (6:30-8:00 pm)